Prof. Dr .Diane Freiberger



Prof. Dr .Diane Freiberger

Prof. Dr .Diane Freiberger
Prof. Dr .Diane Freiberger

I have been involved in higher education for more than 25 years. I started as a lecturer at the Catholic Academy for Social Work in Munich. After that, I took a brief detour into business and was a PR manager for six years.  In 2006, I returned to the field of university management.

Before I took over the management of FIBAA, I was Managing Director of the Business School at the University of Applied Sciences and for the last five years I was also Vice Rector at this university. In the course of all these activities, I have been involved in quality assurance issues, especially in the area of digital transformation of teaching and learning. In recent years, I have been involved in national and international study projects and conferences on these topics and have published on them.

Conferences % Publications

Conference Presentation: INQAAHE ForumMay, 2023, Astana, “The Use of Learning Analytics in HEI”

  • Keynote Speaker, OECD-KIM MAB-EC FINAL Conference, Györ, Hungary March 2023
  • Conference Presentation: APQN Annual Academic Conference (AAC), Singapore November 2022 „Excellence in Digital Education “(EDE)“How the innovative Seal can contribute to QS in a Digital World
  • Keynote Speaker, VI Central Asian International Forum on Education Quality Assurance "Transnational Cooperation in the Global Educational Space (Oktober 2022)
  • Poster Presentation ENQA: European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Members' Forum in Cardiff (July 2022) How to assure quality of digital learning.
  • Presentation:  INQAAHEE Forum 2022, Mexico City: “Sustainable Quality Assurance”
  • Conference Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education, (2021) Member of the panel: Present and future perspectives on RPL; Panel discussion (March 2021)
  • EQAR Members' Dialogue, (2021) Member of the Panel discussion on key trends and policy developments
  • Freiberger, D Shahin, T: (2020) Digital Transformation in Quality Assurance and its Impact on Communication, in anniversary Publication, ENQA, advancing quality in European higher education: Celebrating 20years of ENQA.
  • Freiberger, Diane: (2018), Continuing education as an answer to the shortage of skilled workers and professionalization for social work.t, in Zeitschrift jugendhilfe, Heft 6, Dez 2018
  • Hoffmann, K, Freiberger D; (2017) Virtual Classroom as a method to keep in touch with your students during the externship, Conference Contribution at EURASHE International Conference; Professional Higher Education 4.0: A Change for Universities of Applied Sciences, Le Havre, France, March 2017
  • Freiberger, Diane (Workshop) (2017) „Virtual Classroom in the context of teaching and quality assurance", QIBB networking meeting in Western Austria in cooperation with ARQA-VET
  • Freiberger, Diane: (2016) (Speaker) Thematic Seminar on the European Higher Education Area: Recognition of prior Learning "A stocktaking on current discourses and initiatives", Innsbruck 2016, OeAD Annual Conference.
  • Gornik.A Elke, Freiberger Diane, Birke Barbara: (2015) Making non-formally and informally acquired competencies visible: A Current Assessment Focusing on Higher Education Continuing Education Programs in "Good Learning and Good Teaching. What is the contribution of quality assurance?" Contributions to the 3rd AQ Austria Annual Conference